Why women are so terrified of age is beyond me. A few months shy of 32, I’ve been someone who has embraced my age with vigor. And yes, I know that 31 isn’t old by any means, but some people panic so much at the thought of reaching their 30s that they pretend to be 29 forever. I don’t get it. With age comes wisdom and knowledge; experience and real life. I love aging because it means I’m living my life, I’m healthy and I’m happy and I’m fulfilling my dreams. We know we are going to age the day we are born, and we know we’re going to die one day. The most beautiful women in the world are the ones that embrace aging with class and elegance – not the ones who inject so much ‘stuff’ in to their faces and bodies they barely even resemble themselves anymore. There is nothing but beauty with age. It’s a different kind of beauty, but it’s still beauty. That’s why we wholeheartedly admire the women in Hollywood that are embracing their age in a gorgeous and oh-so-natural manner.
Helen Mirren
She’s one of the most gorgeous older women in Hollywood, and she’s all natural. And we don’t even say she’s one of the most gorgeous older women to say she’s older – just to throw her age in there. She’s gorgeous for any age; what does that tell you?
Susan Sarandon
We love her so much. She is so open about her age and embracing her changes and her beauty, and she is simply divine about the entire process. She’s such an admirable woman.
Suzanne Somers
She’s 68 and looking more amazing than ever. She considers her age one of her biggest assets and she’s not afraid of the fact that she’s aging. In fact, she’s beautiful and vibrant and looking better than ever.
Diane Keaton
She’s not a fan of dresses, she loves to keep her private life private, and she’s amazing. Her face is one of the most beautiful in the business, and she’s not been under the knife or in the doctor’s office for needless surgeries in the past.
Meryl Streep
She’s so unapologetic and so unequivocally herself. She’s aging beautifully and naturally and we have nothing but the utmost respect for her gorgeous face and her beautiful personality.
Photo by Anthony Harvey/Getty Images